The mathematical study of the chance of occurrence of random events, or the chance with which a specific event will occur.
ID | Title | Solved By | Correct Ratio |
IPRB | Mendel's First Law | 21653 |
IEV | Calculating Expected Offspring | 12146 |
LIA | Independent Alleles | 6678 |
PROB | Introduction to Random Strings | 5065 |
RSTR | Matching Random Motifs | 2034 |
EVAL | Expected Number of Restriction Sites | 1509 |
INDC | Independent Segregation of Chromosomes | 956 |
AFRQ | Counting Disease Carriers | 800 |
MEND | Inferring Genotype from a Pedigree | 367 |
SEXL | Sex-Linked Inheritance | 600 |
WFMD | The Wright-Fisher Model of Genetic Drift | 474 |
EBIN | Wright-Fisher's Expected Behavior | 396 |
FOUN | The Founder Effect and Genetic Drift | 379 |