However, in the calculation of edit distance (see “Edit Distance”), the two strings can have
different lengths; thus, simply superimposing one string over the other does us no good when
it comes to visualizing a sequence of edit operations transforming one string into the other.
To remedy this, we will introduce a new symbol to serve as a placeholder representing an inserted
or deleted symbol; furthermore, this placeholder will allow us to align two strings of differing lengths.
An alignment of two strings $s$ and $t$ is defined by two strings $s'$ and $t'$ satisfying
the following three conditions:
1. $s'$ and $t'$ must be formed from adding gap symbols "-" to each of $s$ and $t$, respectively;
as a result, $s$ and $t$ will form subsequences of $s'$ and $t'$.
2. $s'$ and $t'$ must have the same length.
3. Two gap symbols may not be aligned; that is, if $s'[j]$ is a gap symbol, then $t'[j]$ cannot be
a gap symbol, and vice-versa.
We say that $s'$ and $t'$augment$s$ and $t$. Writing $s'$ directly over $t'$ so that
symbols are aligned provides us with a scenario for transforming $s$ into $t$.
Mismatched symbols from $s$ and $t$ correspond to symbol substitutions;
a gap symbol $s'[j]$ aligned with a non-gap symbol $t'[j]$ implies the insertion of this symbol into $t$;
a gap symbol $t'[j]$ aligned with a non-gap symbol $s'[j]$ implies the deletion of this symbol from $s$.
Thus, an alignment represents a transformation of $s$ into $t$ via edit operations.
We define the corresponding edit alignment score of $s'$ and $t'$ as $d_{\textrm{H}}(s', t')$ (Hamming distance is used because the gap symbol has been introduced for insertions and deletions).
It follows that $d_{\textrm{E}}(s, t) = \min_{s', t'}{d_{\textrm{H}}(s', t')}$, where the minimum
is taken over all alignments of $s$ and $t$. We call such a minimum score alignment an optimal
alignment (with respect to edit distance).